Here we go! 2024…it all feels so “futuristic” doesn’t it?
This last year was a doozy. It was my first full year going to conventions, and It. Was. A. Blast!
Meeting fans is always humbling, but AS a fan, meeting my peers in the comic world was a real highlight.
You have to remember, that when I got my job in comics it was during covid, so, I didn’t really have a chance to hang out with other people in the field.
Thankfully, everyone has been more than kind, especially with my constant barrage of questions, complaints, and joyous exclamations at their work.
Outside of comics, the year started with a tremendous amount of uncertainty (re: WGA and SAG strikes) but it ended with a feeling of tribal solidarity, that I don’t remember having before. It was an incredible feeling to share war stories with other writing professionals, to connect with them on a human level, to make new friendships and new connections. It left me feeling…
Grateful for all the work and opportunities afforded me this year. Grateful to make a living with my imagination. Grateful to do what I’ve been wanting to do since I was a child.
And NONE of it happens without my incredble wife, my hyper active children, and all the collaborators and friends I’ve been so lucky to know throughout my journey.
I mentioned the conventions - Calgary, Philadelphia, Denver, Edmonton, New York, San Diego, Dallas, San Francisco. It’s been one adventure after another.
Here is my quick video from my time in Philly lol.
The family and I went to Florida to do six theme parks in six days (I wanted to cut my legs off I was so tired.)
Green Lantern #1 and The Flash Jay Garrick came out.
Also a film I wrote called “Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match” arrived on DVD and another film called “Justice League Warworld” which I wrote a segment for (The Warlord part.)
Finally, I lead a team of writers in an upcoming LEGO project that I can’t wait for people to watch.
In a word, it was BUSY.
I know, for some, this year wasn’t what you wanted. And here is my tidbit of advice for you.
You’ve heard it before. I know you have, if not from me, from someone else. Odds are you probably ignored it.
But, I’m going to drop a little quote that circulates in recovery circles. One I’ve used in the Flash run.
Don’t leave before the miracle happens.
Because if you wait long enough, it will.
Happy New Year my friends. I pray it’s a good one!
Happy New Year Jeremy! 🎉